Egyptian Royal Anthem (1869)

Composer: Giuseppe Verdi Italy (1813 - 1901)

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You can listen to a crude auto genetrated sound file of this score by: clicking or pressing anyhwere inside the score, to stop the playback: click anywhere outside the score.
Note: the autogenerated sound file doesn't yet contain quarter tone pitches.

X:1 %%measurenb 0 L:1/8 Q:1/4=144 M:4/4 I:linebreak $ K:C V:1 treble nm="Oriental Oud" snm="O. Lt." V:1 z4 z2 z/ G/A/B/ |: c2 c>c c2 ed | dccB B2 G/A/B/c/ | d2 d>d d2 f>d | BcdB c2 GA/c/ |$ %5 c2 c>c c2 e>c | A2 A>A A2 f>d | B2 d>B G2 A>B | c2 c>c c2 c/d/e/f/ ::$ g4 f z e z | %10 f z ef/e/ d2 z/ c/d/e/ | f4 e z d z | d z de/d/ c2 GA/B/ |$ c2 c>c c2 e>c | A2 A>A A2 f>d | %15 B2 d>B G2 A>B |1 c2 c>c c z c/d/e/f/ :|2 c2 c>c c2 z2 |] %18

Notation by: Ahmed Amin Al-Dik

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