
Composer: Şerif Muhiddin Targan Turkey (1892 - 1967)

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Note: the autogenerated sound file doesn't yet contain quarter tone pitches.

X:1 %%measurenb 0 %%equalbars 0 %%notespacingfactor 1.144, 50 %%textfont Avenir-Bold 16 L:1/8 M:2/4 I:linebreak $ V:1 treble nm="Oud" V:1 K: Eb c/2g/2f/2g/2 a/2b/2a/2b/2 | g2 z2 :: c/2g/2f/2g/2 a/2b/2a/2b/2 | g/2a/2g/2a/2 f/2g/2f/2g/2 | $ %l1-M4 e/2f/2e/2f/2 g/2f/2g/2f/2 | d/2e/2d/2e/2 g/2f/2g/2f/2 | e/2f/2e/2d/2 c/2B/2A/2G/2 | A/2G/2=B/2G/2 A/2G/2c/2G/2 | $ %l2-M8 A/2G/2d/2G/2 A/2G/2e/2G/2 | A/2G/2f/2G/2 A/2G/2g | [G,CEGc]2 z2 |: f/2g/2f/2e/2 d/2G/2A/2G/2 | $ %l3-M12 B/2G/2d/2G/2 f/2G/2a | g/2f/2e/2d/2 c/2G/2A/2G/2 | =B/2G/2c/2G/2 d/2G/2e | d/2c/2=B/2c/2 z2 | $ %l4-M16 z C/2B,/2A,/2B,/2 z | C2 z2 :]| C/2B,/2G/2F/2 c/2B/2f/2e/2 | b/2a/2a/2g/2 a2 | $ %l5-M20 A,/2G,/2F/2D/2 B/2G/2e/2d/2 | a/2g/2g/2f/2 g2 :]| g/2>f/2f/2=e/2 f2 | f/2>e/2e/2d/2 e2 | ed ed | ag z2 | $ %l6-M26 [I:tuplets 0 1 0] Bgg a/2g/2 | ^fga g2 | B/2g/2^f/2g/2 bg | (6:4:6B/2c/2B/2g/2g/2e/2 (6:4:6^f/2a/2a/2g/2b/2g/2 |$ %l7-M30 (6:4:6B/2c/2B/2A/2B/2A/2 (6:4:6f/2a/2a/2=e/2g/2e/2 | (6:4:6f/2a/2f/2A/2B/2A/2 (6:4:6G/2A/2G/2e/2g/2g/2 | (6:4:6d/2f/2d/2e/2g/2e/2 (6:4:6G/2A/2G/2F/2G/2F/2 | $ (6:4:6d/2f/2d/2=B/2=e/2c/2 (6:4:6d/2f/2d/2F/2d/2f/2 | F/2G/2e/2g/2 G/4A/4B/4C/4g/2a/2 | $ b/4a/4g/4f/4e/4d/4c/4d/4c/4B/4A/4G/4 e2 | a/4g/4f/4e/4d/4c/4B/4c/4B/4A/4G/4F/4 [Bd]2 | (3[FBd]dc (3[EAc]cB :| $ (3[DGB]BA (3[CFA]AG | C z [G,G] z | D/8E/8=E/8F/8G/8A/8=A/8B/8c/8 z3/8 B{/c}bc | (3A{/c}ac (3G{/c}gz :| $ G/2c/2e/2g/2 {/f}ag | {/G}ed {/G}cB | {/G}AG z2 |.G.c .e.g | {/c'}ag .c'2 | =e2 g2 | c4 |]

Notation by: Academy of Musical Studies in Baghdad

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